About Us
What started out as a campfire conversation has now turned ino Anglers In Action For Christ Bait Co. One night around a campfire of fellowship 2 friends discussed how great it would be to get together fellow believers and fisherman to put into action what Jesus comissioned us to do in Matthew 28:18-20.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
So away we went. We started out by putting on nation wide on line tournaments to help our fellow fishermen and women who are in need. Then we hosted our first kids fishing event. We gave away over 170 brand new fishing poles and tackle boxes full of baits that day. So we got to thinking we are going to need more baits. Well long story short here we are. Today we make baits for not only to sell but for kids events. charity functions and fundraisers. We also help sponsor highschool and collage teams.
When you buy a bag of baits you are not only getting top quality hand poured bait but you are olso helping those in need. A portion of every bag sold goes to help make all of this happen.
Oh and you can take comfort in knowing that every order that goes out is prayed for specifically for you that with the fish you catch can bring honor and glory to His Kingdom.

Aaron Clark
"What a great day for Aaron Clark! Today his wish became a reality! Aaron loves the water and fishing. He had no idea of today’s surprise organized by the kayak fishing community and Anglers in Action For Christ. Recently, an online nationwide benefit kayak fishing tournament was held to raise funds for this effort. The leadership of Mel Isaacs , Shane Coon and Marty Hughes helped make all of this happen for Aaron. We want to thank all those who contributed with donations and also to the anglers who competed in the benefit online tournament. The kayak fishing community is truly an amazing group that is spreading good will throughout the world! And what a blessing Aaron is to all of us!"
Hooked on Kids
Every year we host and sponsor kids fishing events all over the country. We believe it is important to teach kids how to fish in a safe mannor while being mentors. What better way to show the love of Jesus Chris than teaching His children to fish.